Focusing on work can be a difficult feat, especially when working from home. If you are struggling, know you’re not alone. Here are some tips to help you get through the work day and stay productive.
- Set up a schedule. Map out the goals you’d like to accomplish for the day so you know exactly what you need to get done and focus on.
- Minimize distractions. Checking texts or social media is a sure way to ruin productivity during the work day. Instead minimize this distraction by putting your phone away, switching to airplane mode, or using an app to temporarily shut down your social media. Try around these tips to see which one works for you. We’ve all succumbed to telling yourself we would glance at a text message only to find us still on our phone 20 minutes later. Don’t fall into this trap.
- Play brown noise in the background. Brown noise is similar to white noise but has deeper bass. This has been shown to help people focus, especially those with ADHD. If you consistently play this music while working, it can also train your brain and body to focus while playing this sound.
- Have a set morning routine. Have you ever woken up late only to rush to work and just felt like your whole day was off because of that? This is because your morning routine sets the tone for your day. Find daily rituals and habits that set you up for success such as meditation. To avoid missing your alarm, be sure to prioritize sleep and healthy sleep habits for a restful nights sleep.
- Stay healthy. When you are physically healthy its easier to be mentally sharp. This is why it’s important to value physical health. Eat healthy, nutrious food, get plenty of rest like mentioned above, and stay physically active.
- Manage stress levels.
- Create boundaries with coworkers. Whether you work at home or go into the office, sometimes our coworkers can be distracting. This is why its important to create boundaries for yourself on how much free time you have to give to them.
- Avoid answering emails first thing in the morning. While it can be tempting to check your inbox and respond to others, this takes away precious time you could have used to make progress on your own tasks. Make headway in your own goals before responding to others.
- Set realistic and attainable goals. The goal here isn’t to force yourself to sit at your desk for 5 hours straight to be as productive as possible. This will likely lead to failure, disappointment, and even burnout. Check your tasks and deadlines and map out how much you can reasonably get done.
- Organize your desk. Having too much clutter in your work space can make it more difficult to concentrate. Dedicate time each week to cleaning and organizing your space. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel mentally working in a clean environment.
- Take small breaks. No one is able to sit at their desk and focus all day long. Get outside and go for a 10 minute walk or brew some coffee. You’ll feel more refreshed upon returning.
- Find inspiration. This will reframe your mindset when working and make it easier to be productive.
Some days it can be a struggle to focus and stay productive, but these tips will help you stay on top of your work. Just remember to stay physically healthy, create boundaries with coworkers, minimize distractions, and foster the right environment for working.