We’re in the new-normal, when it comes to remote working. Because of Covid-19, employees who never expected to work from home are now commuting to their living rooms. Bosses who maybe had one or two remote workers now find that no one comes into the office. A change as big as this has a way of revealing holes in business processes and systems. Has your company’s lack of processes made it harder for your employees to find policies or know how to implement them? How much time do you waste on phone calls answering questions that you wished your employees had been able to handle on their own? With the right processes in place, clearly communicated to your team, you will have more time to concentrate on steering your business through this current crisis instead of being distracted by minutiae. We started our Process Management Service to develop standard operating procedures for small business owners and show them how to communicate them efficiently to their workforce.
Even businesses that previously had good processes in place may find their needs have changed as a result of the pandemic. As Forbes puts it, “Organizations scrambled across the board to adjust to internal and external changes, shifting en masse to online, digital and cloud strategies, adjusting how their labor force interacted with customers and each other, struggling to manage supply chain disruption, etc. In a very real sense, existing processes were suddenly broken. Some organizations were able to nimbly adapt. Others stumbled badly.”
VersaTel Solutions will work with you and your staff to analyze which of your business processes work, and which don’t. We will review current workflows, interview participants, and discuss desired outcomes with management. And we won’t try to fix anything that isn’t broken. In some cases things will just need a tweak, and other cases we will develop completely new procedures. In the end, we will put everything together for your employees in an easy to understand manual that all of your workers, whether they are remote or on-site, can access easily. Get in touch with us if you’d like to find out how we can optimize your workplace systems.