HR Specialists

All growing companies need HR whether you have 1 or 100 employees. With our HR services, we provide you with a person to take care of all of your needs, provide you with the compliance templates, payroll and general guidance as you add layers to your success. Our Growth Management Approach ensures all the support you need is under one roof, and our team approach also means we’re always looking out for you without any hidden or set-up fees.

Your HR Specialist will work in conjunction with your initial team and be a part of the initial and final assessment as needed. Your HR Specialist may be necessary to stay on as part of your ongoing growth management team and a reassessment is made every 6 months from there on.

  • Performance Management System
  • Employee Handbook Creation and Support
  • Employee Development and Leadership Training
  • Policies, Processes and Procedure Creation and Support
  • Continuity Planning
  • Compliance Support
  • Termination Assistance
  • Employee Relations Guidance
  • Up-to-date OSHA requirements and much, much more!

Through our exclusive relationships with Insurance, Financial and Health Benefits Brokers, we help you gain access to over 100 carriers to find the best solutions for your company. Your HR Consultant will work closely together with the Brokers and act as a liaison and resource for choosing the plans best suited for the growth of your business and the benefit of your employees.

  • Health Benefits Planning such as medical insurance, life insurance, disability and long-term/short-term liability
  • Financial Investment Planning: keyperson insurance, full retirement portfolio, buy /sell strategies, advanced business planning
  • Business Protection Insurance: commercial property insurance, home-based, Product liability insurance, Business interruptions insurance, worker's compensation, etc.
  • We understand the strain of hiring, and have simplified the process for you! Over the years, we've found a fool-proof method to hiring the best candidates for your company. Included are:

  • Distinctly worded Advertisement
  • Specific proficiency test
  • Graded interview
  • 3 personality tests
  • Background Check
  • Drug Test (upon request)
  • We know how expensive recruiting can be, so we've developed 6 different fee tiers within two different structures-either we can consult your hiring process, or provide the entire experience. The choice (and budget) is up to you!

    *First 90 Days are at hourly rates and then a monthly flat rate is agreed upon. Additional services requested before the 6 month reassessment will be added to the monthly flat rate.