Small business owners have to work hard if they want to be successful. From the moment they start their business, most entrepreneurs find themselves working well over 40 hours a week, many up to 60 hours a week. But working such long days can have a negative effect on mental and physical health, and maybe even the bottom line. Of course, VersaTel Solutions is all about helping businesses work smarter instead of harder. Our services are designed to cut down the number of hours you spend on activities like bookkeeping, administrative duties, and HR tasks. To help you even more with your work-life balance, we’ve gathered together some tips from the folks at Small Biz Trends. They asked entrepreneurs from Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC) the following:
“Working hard is important, but working too hard can impact your health. What’s one practical step busy entrepreneurs can take to reduce a 60-hour work week to 30-40 hours?”
- Time Block – “Put your rest activities into your calendar just as much as you put your work activities there. It’s the only way you can effectively force yourself to take time for yourself.”
- Be Realistic – “We’ve all heard that people overestimate what they can do in a week, but underestimate what they can do in five years. If you want to keep your work weeks to a minimum, start being honest about what you can accomplish in a week. Identifying the most important thing you can be working on to affect the bottom line of your company each day is key.”
- Recharge Between Work Sessions – “Avoiding long hours is hard, but taking breaks in between tasks can alleviate the pain. If long hours span from early strategy calls through late-evening client meetings, make the most out of your business day. Hit the gym, take lunch outside, listen to an audiobook. Recharging between other energy-intense sessions is a long-lasting exercise worth trying out.”
- Empower Your Team. Too many entrepreneurs think they need to still have their hand in every single thing at the company, which is draining to them and ultimately discouraging to the employees who are ready to step up and take on more.
- Outsource Tedious Tasks – “If an entrepreneur doesn’t have the resources to hire in-house and delegate certain tasks, they can outsource tedious tasks that don’t generate revenue.”
That last tip is where we can come in. Our experts will take on some of the day-to-day minutiae that are taking up your valuable time. Reach out to us to find out what services VersaTel Solutions can provide for you. Wouldn’t it be great to turn your 60-hour workweek into a 40-hour one?