As a kid, I worked with various members of my family. I always joked that we all had so many different types of businesses, we could be our own networking group! I learned a lot about having a business,...
Time is money! We all know that the more effective we are at completing our work, the more money we will make. Ultimately, being more productive will give you more time in your schedule to get more accomplished and...
Small business owners put a lot of hard work into their business right from the start. If you are a small business owner, you know that your business is built on long hours, careful planning, lots of effort, and...
Gaining and keeping customers is vital to the success of most businesses. Many businesses focus on attracting new customers but fail to pay attention to their current customers. Not only will this cost more money, but it will decrease...
Bring on the summer sun! School is almost done for the year and the kids are ready to play their hearts out. Having a home office can give you great flexibility during the school year because it cuts down...
Most small business owners are fiercely proud and protective of their business. As they should be! When you start thinking of all the amazing and hard things that you’ve done to build your business, I’m sure that the list...
Networking has long been seen as laying the groundwork for career growth. The value of strong social connections is undeniable, and networking has traditionally been a way to ease the stress of “climbing the corporate ladder.” But in recent...
One of the most challenging tasks when running your own business is finding clients. Given the challenge of finding clients, making the decision to end a relationship with a client can be extremely difficult. After years of experience consulting...
It is not unusual to hear a company’s management team discuss forecasting whether it be about forecasted economic growth, markets, or sales numbers. A forecast is an informed guess and can help with business decision-making. There are two overall...
Every good business owner knows that your current clients are your best source of future business, both with their repeat business and from the word-of-mouth referrals they provide. Customer referrals are more powerful and less expensive than any other...