You may not have known it, but September is Self-Care Awareness Month. During normal years it’s hard for many small business owners to practice self-care. In 2020, when everyone probably needs a little more self-care, it’s probably especially difficult for business owners to take time out for themselves. Covid-19 has made it even harder to disconnect and recharge. But it’s important for everyone to step back from busy life and stressors. If you ignore self-care and become over-stressed you can find yourself making mistakes that hurt your business, or worse. Of course, in addition to self-care, adding processes to your company that make work easier can also help you avoid mistakes. VersaTel Solutions’s Process Management services can help your company work smarter instead of harder. Reach out to us to see how we can help. And if you want to practice self-care but are unsure how to start, read on for tips on how to incorporate self-care into your busy work life.
Forbes contributor Rhett Power reached out to successful business leaders about how they practice self-care. Power writes, “if you’ve fallen into the trap of believing that taking care of yourself is a luxury you can’t afford, think again. Your energy directly affects everyone around you, from your administrative assistant to your biggest clients to your largest investors. A leader who’s disconnected emotionally can’t persuade, guide, or inspire.” These are tips from some of the leaders he spoke to:
Kim Lawton, Founder and CEO at Enthuse Marketing Group – Journaling or writing down thoughts is an easy form of self-care. Kim Lawton says advises people to “Block off time to brainstorm all the things you want to do with your life. Then, write down everything that comes to mind. The exercise takes you out of the present and provides perspective.” Putting pen to paper can help clear your mind.
Munjal Shah, Co-Founder and CEO at Health IQ – Shah and his employees now use time they would have spent commuting on self-care. Everything from exercising more to eating more meals with his family to going on socially distant bike rides with neighbors are now possible because he spends less time on the road or in the air.
Patrick Bardsley, CEO and Co-Founder at Spectrum Designs – Bardsley said early March wasn’t easy for him, he felt he was in a state of shock. One way he coped was by meditating daily using the Calm or Headspace apps, exercising several times a week, and eating healthfully at least 85% of the time. He says that now he’s feeling hyper-focused and able to channel his energies better.
Self-care can be small steps or changes that end up having a big impact on your life. Try setting aside a regular time to read a book, go for a walk, take a relaxing bath, or spend time with a loved one doing a shared activity. Self-care is different for everyone. Whatever it looks like for you, don’t neglect it. Your health and your business will thank you.