2021 is almost in our rearview mirror. Who knows what 2022 will bring for your small business. We hope the New Year brings prosperity to your company. To help make sure the year is a successful one, we’ve rounded up three resolution ideas from business experts.
Support small businesses
USA Today contributor Rhonda Abrams explains why this is resolution is important. “That’s top of my list because it’s so important. All of us have to stick together as we face increasing competition from gargantuan online retailers or rapacious internet platforms that take ridiculously high percentages of sales from small restaurants or suppliers. Put your money where your heart is and support your local small business.”
Create realistic organizational processes
Number one on Nerdwallet’s suggested resolutions is something we at VersaTel Solutions are experts at and would love to help you with: processes. Nerdwallet writes: “While it may seem like the whole point of setting business resolutions is to be super ambitious, sometimes it can help to take a more realistic approach. While many people like to organize their homes during the new year, you can choose to organize your business. And the key to any good organizational system is to create realistic processes. It’s easy to get swept up in the excitement of a fresh new year and to have your sight set on major changes. But for an organizational system to be sustainable, it needs to be realistic.
Take a good hard look at what did and did not work for you and your staff over the last year. What processes seemed to be more trouble than they were worth? Which did you have to refresh repeatedly because the system was too hard to keep up with? Use your findings to update your processes for 2022.” Or better yet, let VersaTel Solutions’ experts update your processes for you.
Learn to be okay with outsourcing
This suggestion from Nerdwallet goes hand in hand with the one above. Sometimes it’s hard for entrepreneurs to give up control of everything, but as Nerwallet says, “Many entrepreneurs are responsible for every role in their business when things are just getting off the ground, and this can make it challenging to step away from what you’ve built and let someone else take the reins.
When it comes time to outsource, consider what tasks you struggle with the most. Are you uncertain if you’re managing your financial accounts correctly? Do you spend way too much time on small administrative tasks that an assistant could handle? Your time as a business owner is valuable, so consider hiring some extra help to free up your schedule.” VersaTel Solutions’ bookkeepers and administrative professionals can free up your time by taking over many tasks.
Everyone here at VersaTel Solutions is looking forward to making your business a success in 2022. Reach out to us so we can help you achieve your goals. Have a safe and prosperous new year!