As your business grows so does your workload. If you’re like a lot of small business owners you take on more and more responsibilities, and may have trouble delegating. And that can hurt your business’s growth. While you’re sweating the small stuff, who’s dealing with the important tasks that only you can do? Still not sure a virtual assistant is right for you? Read on!
A Virtual Assistant Is There When You Need Them – And not when you don’t. If your business is hitting a growth spurt you may not need a full-time on-site assistant. If you need someone to take care of data entry, answering emails, and scheduling sales calls a few times a week, a virtual assistant is a cost-effective way of getting those annoying tasks done. Don’t pay for someone who will be under-utilized. With a virtual assistant, you only pay for the hours worked.
Virtual Assistants Make You More Flexible – Have you ever worried about taking on unexpected clients, or struggled when an opportunity arises? Hiring a virtual assistant will give back time that you can use to tackle challenges. Entrepreneur Amy Vetter writes on “As your business grows, you may be faced with short-term projects that require specialized attention or quick turnarounds. VAs can fill these needs, like launching a digital marketing campaign, upgrading new operating systems, conducting market research, or managing inventory.”
Virtual Assistants Help You Play to Your Strengths – Look, no one doubts that small business owners are capable of answering emails or keeping their own calendar. But while dealing with the minutiae of the business day, who’s doing the things only you can do? If you own a design firm, who’s picking out decor while you’re answering emails? If your small software startup needs investors, wouldn’t you rather be taking meetings than filing invoices?
Still not sure if a virtual assistant is right for your company? We can answer any questions you have about finding the right assistant for you.