What’s The Difference Between a Virtual Administrator And an In Office Administrator? Get The Scoop Before You Choose.

What’s The Difference Between a Virtual Administrator And an In Office Administrator? Get The Scoop Before You Choose.

So, you need an administrator, but aren’t sure which path to choose: virtual or in office? There are many advantages to having an in office assistant; however there’s even more to having a virtual one. Not sure? Feel like you have to have someone right outside your door to make it feel real? Well, let’s take a look at these points, shall we?


  1. Cost:  In order to have an in office assistant, you have to put them on your payroll. Putting someone on your payroll means you pay workman’s comp, holiday, vacation, FUTA, SUTA, SS, and taxes. So, that $15.00 an hour college kid, is actually costing you more like $20.00-$22.00. Then, you have to provide that person with a computer, buy all the software they need, buy the desk and chair, and hope they are committed to working solely on your business for the 20 hours a week you’ve hired them for (which, chances are, you don’t really have 20 hours of admin work, and they end up spending half of that time on Facebook).  All virtual admins come fully equipped, and most are contracted which means no payroll which means no tax nightmares.


  1. Productivity: Touching on that Facebook comment, you have to be sure the person you’ve hired doesn’t get paid for doing nothing. You’ll find quite quickly that you really don’t have that much admin work (unless you’re incredibly unorganized, in which case you should consider an organizer or life coach to help you out). Most virtual admins work 5-10 a week, and since it’s on their time schedule, they only charge for the amount of time they actually work.


  1. Professionalism: Let’s say you look at what a virtual admin charges and you figure “Well, I can get someone to do the same thing for $10.00-you’re not worth that!” Ok, fair enough-however, for $10.00 an hour you’re hiring someone who is likely unskilled and unprofessional otherwise, why would they take such low pay? Someone who is skilled, experienced, and comes equipped with all the technology you need (of which you’re not paying for), and only charges for the hours they work, PLUS do not require holiday or vacation pay to me is a higher profit in the end than the person who sits in your office for a base $10 an hour who you do most of the work for.


  1. Commonality: You are a business owner, and expect those that work for you to have the same level of commitment to your business. But how will you know if an in house assistant cares as much about your business as you do? You can’t. A virtual admin, however, is a business owner as well, and wants you to do well to continue the relationship. It’s a giving circle, of which you can be secure in.


Think about the level of work you have, and the amount of space you have as well. Taking on an administrator for your business is a serious commitment, especially when almost everything can be done virtually. Take the time to research virtual admins, and of course, take a look at my website as well, to learn what a great value a virtual admin can be for your business. Hiring one company to take care of all your business needs so  you can focus on growing your business is the wisest investment you can make: www.versatelsolutions.com